Pollen Allergy Test


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The test analyses the following substances: Birch Hazelnut Olive Cypress Ash trees Timothy grass Rye Bermuda grass Bahia grass Wormwood Ambrosia Mugwort Black fighters Common symptoms of a pollen allergy Flowing runny nose Sneezing Runny and itchy eyes Nasal congestion Itching in the throat and mouth Irritated trachea Cross-allergy Many people who suffer from pollen allergy also react to other substances, which is usually referred to as cross-allergy. The most common substances that a person with a pollen allergy reacts to are stone fruits (cherries, peaches, plums, etc.), apples, pears, peanuts and root vegetables. If you want to test more substances, we have a large Allergy test that tests the 38 most common allergens in Europe, including food and fur animals. Here you will find our large A llergy test . How does the Pollen Allergy Test work? Our Pollen Allergy Test is a simple allergen test that analyses 12 different types of pollen. You do the test by yourself at home. The test kit that you receive when ordering contains everything that you will need to be able to perform the test. Your sample is then sent to our lab for analysis.

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