Who should take the Heavy Metals Test? Heavy metals can be a hidden cause behind a number of imbalances and diseases. Because heavy metals can be stored in tissues and organs and cause very widespread symptoms, it can be difficult to link various problems to a toxic load in the body. Just a few examples of symptoms or diseases where a heavy metal test may be relevant are: Hormonal imbalances (everything from thyroid problems to PMS, mood swings, etc.) Autism Skin problems Alzheimer’s / dementia Parkinsons Autoimmune diseases Liver problem Kidney problems …and much more. About heavy metals Heavy metals are one of the biggest health concerns of our time. Ionising heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, aluminium ( also known as aluminum ,) , etc. creates large amounts of free radicals in our bodies, which many researchers believe is the root cause of several of our chronic diseases today. What are heavy metals? Heavy metals are ionic metals that are not chelated or bound to any organic molecule. Examples of such metals are arsenic, cadmium, lead, nickel, aluminium, mercury, iron and more. Such metals are electromagnetically active and can accumulate in the body and create large amounts of free radicals. Most heavy metals come from various environmental pollutants that we humans inhale. They also end up in our soils and in our watercourses. In the body, the heavy metals reach the brain, kidneys and immune system where they can disrupt its function and cause a variety of serious symptoms. However, the symptoms are very diffuse and can range from fertility problems to eczema and mental illness with depression, anxiety and restlessness. How do heavy metals damage our bodies? Heavy metals are one of the biggest health problems of our time. It is toxic to the body and most come from environmental pollutants. Lead is released daily into the air by cars and industries which we then inhale. Lead is also found a lot in our food and also in watercourses. It also accumulates in our soils. Other sources of lead poisoning are pesticides, cigarette smoke, pencils, etc. Mercury is most often found in amalgam fillings, fish and cosmetics. Aluminium is found in deodorants, medicines for stomach acid and in aluminium pots, etc. When heavy metals end up in our bodies, they accumulate in our brain, kidneys and immune system where they create large amounts of free radicals that disrupt and damage several functions. Free radicals are atoms without electron pairs that react with everything it encounters to become a “pair” again. As a result, another atom or molecular compound divides, causing even more free radicals to form and chain reactions to occur. Cells can be damaged or die and their DNA can change and when the genetic code is attacked a mutation occurs and e.g. cancer can form. The free radicals not only accelerate ageing, they also lead to a number of chronic diseases (for example asthma, allergies, MS, Parkinson’s, rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.). Mercury is a particularly toxic heavy metal that the body has difficulty protecting against. In many cases, the body tries to make antitoxins to neutralise similar toxins and remove them. When it comes to mercury, it seems as if the body has not learned to make any antitoxins against it, which of course is extremely serious. The biggest problem with mercury is that it disrupts energy production on the inside of individual nerve cells where the nerve cell’s ability to detoxify is disturbed and the cell then becomes poisoned and dies. What can be done to avoid heavy metals? To avoid heavy metals, it is important to avoid contact with them and surround yourself in a clean environment. Natural products that help the body get rid of heavy metals are chlorella, spirulina, seaweed, garlic, fibre products and intestinal cleansing programs. Here are some more tips: Remove any amalgam fillings Replace aluminium pots and pans with stainless steel Use only natural deodorants and cosmetics without aluminium and other heavy metals Avoid gastric acid-reducing preparations that contain aluminium How to take the Heavy Metals Test ? The test is a urine test and you collect the sample yourself at home. It is then sent to our lab for analysis and you will receive your test result digitally.